Pond Pictures
My goal with this work was to show the beauty in nature that is bright, but we sometimes don't see because the greens tend to take over and wash everything out. That is why in my image you can see that the greens in the background are not the main focus, I made sure so by blurring them out so your eye focuses and catches the bright pink flowers. The most difficult challenge I faced was getting the texture of flowers right. I had to draw over them a lot to get them right, which we know over doing it can sometimes lead to it looking worse, but it ended up looking good in the end. My painting really works when it comes to detail. It is subtle but effective. I've learned that I think pastels may be what I a good at and this is a good start to becoming better at it. If I had a do over with my work I would Probably do this in oil pastels instead of chalk because it would have been easier to create that texture I wanted to get out.
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